Thursday, April 20, 2017

Took a hiatus, back from vacation

I want to apologize because it's been a hot minute since my last post. Vacation preperation and other obligations kept me quite busy.
Surviving low carbing during a vacation IS possible. Wasn't sure I could do it to be honest. Temptations everywhere, especially all the scrumptious items at the various buffets we visited and all the fruitylicious beauties at the Wawas. I left for vacation at 157. I stringently counted carbs so I could have a taste of of this or that. Hoping like hell I didn't miscalculate somewhere. Came home 8 days later to jump on the scale at 155. Next months marks my 1 year non-carbiversary. My 1st vaca in that year. I am so happy to know I survived the food temptations. Having one bite of lemon cake on Tues and one bite of bread pudding on Thurs is enough. I don't have to devour a plate of desserts to feel satisfied. It's possible!! I believe it's all about control. You can control what you choose to eat and how much. So you CAN do it!!