Maintaining is important. I am within 10 pounds of my original goal of 85 pounds off. I kind of like where I am at 75 pounds lost. I may settle for 80 and call it a day.
I have maintained under 20g of net carbs a day for 1 year and 3 months. Since I have reached my 75 mark, I have allowed myself to go to 25g of net carbs twice a week. This has proven successful to me and I have pretty much stayed right at 142 pounds, down from the 217 where I started. If I decide to go to the 80 to 85 pound loss, I will cut out the 25g net carbs twice a week.
It's amazing where I started out until now. The days, weeks, months became easier and easier. Where I once thought I wouldn't make it past 3 weeks has became a lifestyle you don't even second guess. It's amazing all of the foods I thought I couldn't live without have now became a faded memory. I no longer crave anything other than low carb deliciousness.
This is where the true test begins. Reaching, or nearly reaching your final goal isn't a green light to get lazy or to say, "Oh, a little bit won't hurt" You've come a long journey and nothing is worth going backwards.
Just remember maintaining is important too.