Last night I watched the Perseid Meteor Shower. Talked to Scotty and my dad in heaven. It was cloudy and lightning, but I got to see one fly by. I was thankful. Scotty and I were lucky to see many during our time together so it was pure greatness last night. I haven't been sleeping well. I was so exhausted last night so I immediately fell out.
Ive only dreamt once of Scotty since his suicide. The night after his death. It was so vivid. Until last night. I clearly dreamed of his face, a Bible, an ornate box, and my engagement ring. The dream was bright and full of happiness. My engagement ring was a little different. Across the marquise stone was a thin band knotted in gold. I woke up remembering every vivid detail and I was happy and peaceful. The FIRST time in a very long time. I have no clue what any of that means, but it brought some closure. I am still angry he never responded to my texts that night. Or that fact he didn't reach out before his final act. But if it's possible for the dead to reach out, I feel as if, after last night....he did.