Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Stallllliinnnggggg: It Sucks

Stalling happens. Just like that. Don't fret. UNLESS you did it to yourself because you did what you weren't  supposed to do. If that's the case no boo hooing for yourself. Many factors can cause you to stall. Carbs creeping up because you didn't count correctly, certain foods such as dairy and artificial sweeteners can stall you. Also, not variating your meal patterns, processed foods, eating too few carbs can slow down the metabolism. Too much protein and not enough fats and/or carbs can also slow and stall you. Nix the alcohol, fruits, and consuming too many nuts are contributing factors. Who knew so much could cause a stall!? The hardest for me to absorb was, too much caffeine can stall you. This coming from a girl who drinks 138 ounces of coffee/tea a day. ouch!!!

Also, for the beginners, it is common about week 3 of low carb to stall. It's all good. It is your body preparing for ketosis. Monthly cycles can stall as well for the females reading this.

Some stalls are good. They can be a resting place as your body begins to adjust to rapid amounts of weight loss...true story. These stalls should be expected. Avoid salt, another staller. For some calories do matter and can cause a stall. Luckily for me that has not been a factor.

I've been reading so many stories lately of people really down over their stalls. Don't give up. Tweak what you can, avoid what you are supposed to, and you'll find what it is causing your stalls. If you need to keep notes to see what you need to take out or adjust, do it until you find the recipe that works for you. It bothers me so much seeing so many discouraged over stalls. Don't quit. being fabulous doesn't come easy, and you are all fab!! Until next time #carb-on

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