Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Journey Part 2

The first week I was amazed. I lost 7 pounds. Talk about being in awe. Now being Carla, I never thought to measure myself in inches. To those of you beginning this journey I do recommend it because now I truly wish I would have. Over the course of the first few months I was lucky to lose 9-10 pounds a month. I was ecstatic, over the moon happy. Then like a raging new relationship after all the romance and kissy kissy things begin to slow down. I average now about 3.5 pounds per month. That's fine, no reason to fret. I had a period of time where it took me almost 3 months to lose 10 pounds. Our bodies are a mysterious pain in the ass. It doesn't always go pitch perfect. The cure is don't give up. Period!

Remember your body, the mysterious pain in the ass, is going through some major changes. You're going from that caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly metamorphosis. Expect some cravings. Alright some almost hurt, but expect them. Find healthy, sensible substitutions. You may feel HANGRY. Don't kill anyone or let the inner bitch out. That too shall pass. Change is change and everyone handles change differently. You will survive, I promise.

Join a support group. My favorite is on FB. I❤LC/Ohio. There are so many wonderful people going through their own journey just like you. You can commiserate, share your successes, swap recipes, and learn tricks of the trade to make things easier. It's just fantastic to realize you aren't alone. I've been introduced to so many inspirational men and women. Susan H, along with my friend Lisa P, has been a huge inspiration to me as well. Her own battle has taught me what to do, what not to do, and gave me back a sense of empathy for others .


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