Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Ups And The Downs...And Oh, Don't Cheat

You wake up and you are suddenly 2 pounds down from your previous week. WTG!! Then two days later you decide to weigh in and you are up 2.5.  You have a rush of angst, pissed off, and maybe even deflation. Well that is perfectly fine. Your entire journey can be comprised of up and down weight. Hormones, menstrual cycle for us females, too many carbs because you miscounted, and certain foods such as dairy or artificial sweeteners can all cause this to happen. This too shall pass. Count on each month during your cycle to fluctuate weight. Make sure you accurately calculate your carb intake. If you think certain foods are causing you to stall on weight, cut them out for a few days, a week, and see if there is a difference.

Every person's body is different. For example, on my 43rd birthday, I had been doing this for 6 months with NO CHEATING. I decided to have a half inch piece of cake, a bite of bread, and a taste of potatoes. Literally the next morning I had gained 3 pounds from less than 2 oz of cheating. The bigger downer was it took me 4 days, extra water intake, and a 24 hour fast to lose it in 4 days. So keep it simple, don't cheat because it isn't worth the extra work or pounds.

My advice is unless are at least 90% ready to commit your failure rate will be high. Like body builders work their asses off in the gym to be chiseled, this is also work and commitment.

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