Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Low Carb and Life Stress

Everything about a low carb lifestyle is constant work and dedication. Counting carbs, trying not to make mistakes, deciding to weigh or measure your inches, and just the struggles of balancing a "normal" life into the mix of low carb can be time consuming.

With that being said how do you go on in case of something catastrophic? Life changes constantly and with that they are not always good changes. Things like divorce, death, job loss, and any number of other things can happen.

July of 2017 a series of events happened to me that just blew my life apart. My husband told me our marriage was over, I had to immediately vacate our home, and I changed jobs. My head was everywhere and in the midst of all this chaos I still managed to worry how I was going to continue my low carb lifestyle with any sanity. 

The first few days I really had no appetite trying to adapt to my new changes and living situation. We all know just not eating isn't a good thing so I started off with small things, more of a snacking type of eating. I just made sure everything was low carb, which was hard because where I moved to they didn't have much in the low carb section of their refrigerator, lol!!

The stress was enormous and non stop. I remember now, looking back, that I was positive this lifestyle was just going to go to hell. Fast. That too, became a stressor in itself.

Perseverance pays off. I figured since I worked so hard for over a year to lose 70+ pounds I wasn't going to let a divorce and career change steal what I struggled so hard for. That was one thing I wasn't going to have taken from me. I stayed the course and because of the stress I was not losing weight as fast, but once I acclimated to my new life, the stress diminished, and the weight started coming off once again.

Everyone is different. Everyone handles life differently...good or bad. Set backs happen and that is perfectly fine. If you encounter one, just remember to climb back on. It's only failure if you totally give up and never look back. All you can do is always give it your personal best. Until next time, low carb on my friends!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Keeping The Goal

Maintaining is important. I am within 10 pounds of my original goal of 85 pounds off. I kind of like where I am at 75 pounds lost. I may settle for 80 and call it a day.

I have maintained under 20g of net carbs a day for 1 year and 3 months. Since I have reached my 75 mark, I have allowed myself to go to 25g of net carbs twice a week. This has proven successful to me and I have pretty much stayed right at 142 pounds, down from the 217 where I started. If I decide to go to the 80 to 85 pound loss, I will cut out the 25g net carbs twice a week. 

It's amazing where I started out until now. The days, weeks, months became easier and easier. Where I once thought I wouldn't make it past 3 weeks has became a lifestyle you don't even second guess. It's amazing all of the foods I thought I couldn't live without have now became a faded memory. I no longer crave anything other than low carb deliciousness. 

This is where the true test begins. Reaching, or nearly reaching your final goal isn't a green light to get lazy or to say, "Oh, a little bit won't hurt" You've come a long journey and nothing is worth going backwards. 

Just remember maintaining is important too.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Stallllliinnnggggg: It Sucks

Stalling happens. Just like that. Don't fret. UNLESS you did it to yourself because you did what you weren't  supposed to do. If that's the case no boo hooing for yourself. Many factors can cause you to stall. Carbs creeping up because you didn't count correctly, certain foods such as dairy and artificial sweeteners can stall you. Also, not variating your meal patterns, processed foods, eating too few carbs can slow down the metabolism. Too much protein and not enough fats and/or carbs can also slow and stall you. Nix the alcohol, fruits, and consuming too many nuts are contributing factors. Who knew so much could cause a stall!? The hardest for me to absorb was, too much caffeine can stall you. This coming from a girl who drinks 138 ounces of coffee/tea a day. ouch!!!

Also, for the beginners, it is common about week 3 of low carb to stall. It's all good. It is your body preparing for ketosis. Monthly cycles can stall as well for the females reading this.

Some stalls are good. They can be a resting place as your body begins to adjust to rapid amounts of weight loss...true story. These stalls should be expected. Avoid salt, another staller. For some calories do matter and can cause a stall. Luckily for me that has not been a factor.

I've been reading so many stories lately of people really down over their stalls. Don't give up. Tweak what you can, avoid what you are supposed to, and you'll find what it is causing your stalls. If you need to keep notes to see what you need to take out or adjust, do it until you find the recipe that works for you. It bothers me so much seeing so many discouraged over stalls. Don't quit. being fabulous doesn't come easy, and you are all fab!! Until next time #carb-on

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

1 Year Low Carb Anniversary... I Survived 😃

"You've come a long way baby" sums up my attitude for today. A big pat on my back, a bigger pat on the FB group I❤️LC/Ohio, and super dee duper hugs to Lisa P, Susan H, and Staci M for taking a newbie low-carber and leading that horse to water. 
What a year it has been. Ups, down, highs, lows, smiles, tears and progress. Looking back 67 pounds ago I cant believe this  journey. What seemed to be a lifetime at the moment of not having what everyone else got to enjoy seems so not a year ago. Satisfaction fills every oracle knowing I never gave up and always had a great support system. 
All the fears I first felt, appear kind of comical now. Worrying if I added up carbs correctly. Was I supposed to subtract fiber? Add it in? Sugar alcohol, what?? I am blessed. Blessed in having a healthier weight, blessed to be on this ride w other amazing people who have shared their issues, good and bad. 
Honestly if you want to succeed, just go for it. Balls in! You have nothing to fear, except fear itself. Failure is temporary. You can aways get back on track. Whether its low carb, whether its a simple diet, exercise whatever,  you just go for it. Be your own warrior. Be inspired, be someone's inspiration. Just never give up. 1 year down, a milestone. Many more to go. Get in, buckle up, and lets hit the better for yourswlf highway! I'm proud of myself and I am proud of anyone doing anything to make themselves a better person. Physically, spiritually, mentally.. Pick your poison. Until my next post Keto on! 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

NSV (none scale victory)

Wanting to jump on the scale is ingrained, but as I discussed earlier in a post, not always a good thing. Whether you're losing inches or actuality weight it's good to relish in your non scale victories. 
Realizing it's much easier to tie your shoes, walking a flight of stairs and not having body parts hurt or being winded. Finding you no longer have heartburn. Not urinating as often because your weight isn't laying on your bladder. No more achy back is a pretty good NSV too. Notching your bra tighter or for the men who suddenly need a belt. It's a great surprise to notice these NSV. To me they are just as important as what the tape measure or scale read. So, folks, relish in the delights of your continue weight loss. Tons of treasured along the way❣️👙👖🏆🏅🚫

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Took a hiatus, back from vacation

I want to apologize because it's been a hot minute since my last post. Vacation preperation and other obligations kept me quite busy.
Surviving low carbing during a vacation IS possible. Wasn't sure I could do it to be honest. Temptations everywhere, especially all the scrumptious items at the various buffets we visited and all the fruitylicious beauties at the Wawas. I left for vacation at 157. I stringently counted carbs so I could have a taste of of this or that. Hoping like hell I didn't miscalculate somewhere. Came home 8 days later to jump on the scale at 155. Next months marks my 1 year non-carbiversary. My 1st vaca in that year. I am so happy to know I survived the food temptations. Having one bite of lemon cake on Tues and one bite of bread pudding on Thurs is enough. I don't have to devour a plate of desserts to feel satisfied. It's possible!! I believe it's all about control. You can control what you choose to eat and how much. So you CAN do it!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Ups And The Downs...And Oh, Don't Cheat

You wake up and you are suddenly 2 pounds down from your previous week. WTG!! Then two days later you decide to weigh in and you are up 2.5.  You have a rush of angst, pissed off, and maybe even deflation. Well that is perfectly fine. Your entire journey can be comprised of up and down weight. Hormones, menstrual cycle for us females, too many carbs because you miscounted, and certain foods such as dairy or artificial sweeteners can all cause this to happen. This too shall pass. Count on each month during your cycle to fluctuate weight. Make sure you accurately calculate your carb intake. If you think certain foods are causing you to stall on weight, cut them out for a few days, a week, and see if there is a difference.

Every person's body is different. For example, on my 43rd birthday, I had been doing this for 6 months with NO CHEATING. I decided to have a half inch piece of cake, a bite of bread, and a taste of potatoes. Literally the next morning I had gained 3 pounds from less than 2 oz of cheating. The bigger downer was it took me 4 days, extra water intake, and a 24 hour fast to lose it in 4 days. So keep it simple, don't cheat because it isn't worth the extra work or pounds.

My advice is unless are at least 90% ready to commit your failure rate will be high. Like body builders work their asses off in the gym to be chiseled, this is also work and commitment.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Where I Am Now

I started this new adventure around May 16 2016. Here we are March 20 2017. I weighed then at 217, now at 157. I have gone from a size 20 pant to a size 10. A 42 in bra down to a 36. I still have 19 pounds to go to get to my goal weight. Idealistically I think that will be good, but according to the body mass index I'd still be overweight for my 5'4" height.

Standard MeasurementsView Metric Measurements
Your Height: 

BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

So according to this bastard I will still be overweight, so I suppose I will go from there. I don't want to be a twig and I most definitely am no longer OBESE. Then again I am only 2 away from normal weight so maybe once I reach my goal of 130 I can feel at ease.

The Positives Outweigh What You Used To Miss

After my first two weeks I was becoming better at not wanting my pasta, breads, desserts, etc.  When I finally weighed myself after the 2 weeks of low carb eating I had magically lost 8 pounds. Talk about misbelief and elation at once. I weighed myself 3 times because I thought for sure I was delusional. Spot on each of the three times. I busted out singing, "Oh Oh Oh it's magic you know"

Things just kept getting better from there. My belly started getting smaller, my face was thinner, my double chin was disappearing, my back wasn't hurting as often, and I mysteriously lost the daily heartburn. Of course, this just motivated me even more to not give up. I decided about week 4 to start taking photos to compare to the "ugly grey t shirt pic" to track my progress.
Here's a good example of a pic I would take for motivation. They weren't just pics of myself. This particular pic was taken at about 5 months into the low carb LIFESTYLE.

This was also at 5 months. I noticed for the first time how skinny my legs were compared to before.

THIS my friends is what made me realize for sure that giving up sugar, pasta, grains, soda, and potatoes was all about.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Journey Part 2

The first week I was amazed. I lost 7 pounds. Talk about being in awe. Now being Carla, I never thought to measure myself in inches. To those of you beginning this journey I do recommend it because now I truly wish I would have. Over the course of the first few months I was lucky to lose 9-10 pounds a month. I was ecstatic, over the moon happy. Then like a raging new relationship after all the romance and kissy kissy things begin to slow down. I average now about 3.5 pounds per month. That's fine, no reason to fret. I had a period of time where it took me almost 3 months to lose 10 pounds. Our bodies are a mysterious pain in the ass. It doesn't always go pitch perfect. The cure is don't give up. Period!

Remember your body, the mysterious pain in the ass, is going through some major changes. You're going from that caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly metamorphosis. Expect some cravings. Alright some almost hurt, but expect them. Find healthy, sensible substitutions. You may feel HANGRY. Don't kill anyone or let the inner bitch out. That too shall pass. Change is change and everyone handles change differently. You will survive, I promise.

Join a support group. My favorite is on FB. I❤LC/Ohio. There are so many wonderful people going through their own journey just like you. You can commiserate, share your successes, swap recipes, and learn tricks of the trade to make things easier. It's just fantastic to realize you aren't alone. I've been introduced to so many inspirational men and women. Susan H, along with my friend Lisa P, has been a huge inspiration to me as well. Her own battle has taught me what to do, what not to do, and gave me back a sense of empathy for others .


The Journey Within Itself

Let's take a journey back 9 months ago. I remember trying to sort this food to go with that food. How was I going to make a dinner I can eat and also manage a dinner for my family? SIMPLIFY. I felt overwhelmed. Could I ever eat out again? Yes, most certainly. Scales...once a day, twice a day, every 5 minutes puhleeeeze stop the insanity! Confusion, anger, withdrawals, second guessing, and fear of failure. This will sum up your beginning. Looking back it almost seems comical. Like a kindergartener on their first day of riding the bus to school.

There is no set pattern or order in what food to eat at a certain time of day. I rarely eat breakfast. Some days I eat lunch, others I do not. Dinner is 98% daily, but if I had a bigger lunch I may not be hungry until the next day. That is fine. If you don't feel like having eggs and bacon for breakfast, don't. If that leftover steak and asparagus is what you want at 935am then eat it up. Drink a ton of water. I try to get in at least half a gallon per day. I also drink unsweet tea and iced coffee with half n half. About once a month a allow myself a diet soda, only because artificial sweeteners can stall my weight loss. For some cheese will cause a stall or even another food. You will quickly learn what can stall you so therefore you will avoid it like herpes. Sparkling waters are a staple for me as well. It tricks that ol brain into thinking you're drinking soda. Powerade zero is another go to if I feel like "juice" or even the flavor packets added to water.

Prepping is something some people do. They make up meals and snacks in advance to help stay on track. I personally have not done this only because I am too lazy. I also prefer fresh made. Whatever makes life easier for you, just do it.

PIZZA is an important topic. Some places will make you a crustless (yup, no crust) pizza made of cheese. If you cannot find a pizza place to do this for you order the pizza and eat the toppings. Get the extra cheese! Your palate will thank you.

Don't stop eating out. Bunless burgers are the rage. Almost all restaurants have low carb foods. You may have to make a substitution. Example one: you're at Olive Garden and can't eat pasta...well have them serve it over asparagus. Example two: order a side salad or veggie instead of the fries, rice, or baked potato.

Scales. What can I say about that? 1st buy a digital. I purchased one for $19 and have had no issues whatsoever. Secondly don't become obsessed with it. Trust me, I know firsthand. Some weigh in daily, some weekly, some monthly. I went from several times a day and yes I mean several. As soon as I get up I pee and then jump on the ol battle axe of digital bi polar anticipation. This is now the only time I allow myself to weigh in. I go with that weight until the next day.

The Allowable Food List.

All fish including: Flounder Herring Salmon Sardines Sole Tuna Trout
All fowl including: Cornish Hen Chicken Duck Goose Pheasant Quail Turkey
All Shellfish including: Clams Crabmeat Mussels Oysters Shrimp Squid
All meat including: Bacon Beef Ham Lamb Pork Veal Venison
All eggs including: Devilled Fried Hard-boiled Omelets Poached Scrambled Soft-boiled
CHEESES: pretty much any cheese known just read label for carb count
FATS and OILS: Butter Mayonnaise – make sure there is no added sugar Olive oil Vegetable oils – especially good if they are labelled “cold pressed” or “expeller pressed” One of the best oil to use is olive oil. Canola Walnut Soybean Grape seed Sesame Sunflower Safflower
Artificial sweeteners:  Splenda – one packet equals 1 carb
Drinks: Clear broth/ bouillon  Club soda Cream – heavy or light, be sure to note the carb count Decaffeinated or regular coffee and tea Diet soda - be sure to note the carbs Flavored Seltzer  Herb tea  Water – at least 8 eight ounce glasses per day including… Filtered water Mineral water Spring water Tap water
VEGGIES: it's easier to say no corn, no potatoes, no starchy veggies, no peas. There are tons of veggies that you can eat. The best way to learn what is out there is to Google Induction Food lists and/or low carb foods.

By this point you are probably thinking OMG NO DESSERTS. This is not true..phew!
That can also be Googled but I don't like baking so my quick fixes for my sugar rushes are Russell Stover sugar free candies, sugar free jello mixed with cream cheese, and cool whip all blended together, and frozen extra creamy cool whip when I need an "ice cream".

This list is just an idea to get you started. Flavored almonds, pork rinds, and cheese
chips are great for snacks. Pepperoni, olives, and cottage cheese are helpful little snacks too. Atkins website has great recipes and ideas. Linda's low carb menu at www.genaw.com/lowcarb was my go to in the beginning. EXPLORE YOUR NEW WORLD OF FOOD. Learn what you CAN eat and don't worry about what you CAN'T.

Low carb? Induction? Ketosis? Say What????

My friend Lisa was quick to reply with the secret to her individual success. She was also helpful enough to give me some great links and websites to further research what may or may not be best for me. Thank God she did because I was frankly lost at words like Induction and Ketosis. We are going to clear those 2 words up right now. INDUCTION is a set of phases. Phase 1 is consuming less than 20 grams of carbs a day which kick starts you into your weight loss. Phase 2 is slowly adding nuts, low carb veggies, and berries. Some people will never leave Phase 1. I personally have not, nor do I intend to. That's my personal preference and I am managing my weight loss how I want in Phase 1. KETOSIS is where your body produces ketones, small fuel molecules, an alternative fuel for the body. Ketones are produced when you consume very few carbs and eat a moderate amount of protein. This helps your body to run on your own body fat. AMAZING, who knew!? So you not only lose pounds, but you also lose inches. WIN WIN!

Then I decided to take a look at the allowable food list. My Oh My. Now I am Italian. With that being said I almost cried when I saw I could no longer eat pasta, bread, or rice. What kind of Italian girl doesn't eat those items. LOL! So right then and there I took the worst pic of my life, yes you know, the one of me in the grey t-shirt. That was going to be my motivational reminder for this adventure I was about to depart on.

Atkins and South Beach are two weight loss regimes that involve low carb, protein, and healthy fats as a weight management process. I read up on both and decided to tweak it to my liking. This ISN'T a diet. Diets are short term. What I am doing is a complete lifelong change in my eating habits for the rest of my life. If you are looking for something short term, then by all means diet. If you're looking into something low carb and to maintain the weight to stay off, this is lifelong. Very important to remember that. Soooo, let's go take a look at what you can eat and what you can nooo longer eat.

Friday, March 10, 2017

A God Sent Inspiration

The picture of me in grey t-shirt was the epitome of self torture. Me at my absolute physical worst. That day I noticed for the first time a friend of mine, Lisa P, had been a bigger sized gal like myself and managed to thin down and look fab. I tossed around the idea of how to approach her about her weight loss and finally grew the balls to message her. That God sent inspiration changed my life forever. I owe my success to her eternally. Stay tuned to learn all about my new life.

Keto Lifestyle

Imagine graduating high school at 115 pounds then 20 yrs and 3 kids later ballooning up to 217. That is 102 pounds...WOW! The above picture is my before and after pic in my journey of the low carb lifestyle spanning from May 16 2016 to March 10 2017.

Around April of 2016 I was disgusted. Disgusted with how I felt, how I looked, and how others viewed me. I decided at 42 I needed to do something about it. I first tried the GM Diet. A diet designed for GM employees that was rated a sure way to lose weight. My first week of doing this diet I gained 4 pounds. I was convinced I was doing something wrong so week two I made sure I was without a doubt following it to a T. Guess what? Yes, I gained 2 more additional pounds. I was horrified and pissed I wasted so much money on the foods for this diet to only gain weight. Back to Google I went researching diets. I then decided to give the Military Diet a whirl. If it works for so many enlisted it was sure to work for me. Epic fail. More weight I gained. In this moment of failure I was positive I was destined to be a fatty.